Dental Bridges


A bridge can close the gaps in your smile, whether it is just one tooth missing or several teeth. Bridges are one cost-effective solution to missing teeth.

Bridges get their name literally from “bridging” the gaps and can be used in either the top or bottom arch of the mouth when some of the original teeth still remain intact. The bridge is very durable, and the replacement teeth are sculpted to look like natural teeth.  

The replacement teeth are positioned on a gum-colored or pink-colored base and usually rely on metal framework to help hold the bridge in place between the remaining teeth. The framework is attached to abutting teeth for stability.  

Oral care for a bridge is fairly simple, requiring just routine brushing, flossing, and mouthwash.  

You and Dr. Galvan can decide which of the four types of bridges would work best for you:  

  • Traditional 

  • Implant-supported 

  • Cantilever 

  • Maryland 

Besides the appearance of your smile, bone loss is another concern when teeth are lost. If a tooth is not replaced promptly, up to 25% of bone volume can be reabsorbed back into the body in one year. The bone loss will continue to progress as time goes by. Bone loss leads to the sunken-in appearance of the cheeks and facial muscle drooping.  

The chewing pressure of teeth on the jawbone maintains bone density by stimulating the bone. Replacing missing teeth with a bridge helps recreate that chewing pressure and prevent bone loss.